Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Mushroom Gravy

So I know I am supposed to be posting the pie crust tonight but I am sitting in bed and too lazy at the moment to go downstairs and get it. So instead I am posting my mushroom gravy. I love gravy and sauces and not being able to eat them is just not acceptable to me. I made this tonight to put over the Veggie Curry Pie from yesterday.

YIELD: 1/2 cup


2 tbsp Vegan Margarine
1 large mushroom diced
2 tbsp rice flour*
1/4 cup rice milk
1/4 mushroom bouillon cube
1/4 cup hot water


(Basically we are making a roux.) Melt margarine over medium low heat. Add mushrooms and pan fry till cooked through.

Dissolve the bouillon cube in the water.

Once the mushrooms are cooked through sprinkle it with flour. If the pan is very dry you can add more margarine before you put in the flour. whisk together to coat the mushrooms and absorb the margarine.

Add the rice milk a bit at a time whisking between each addition. Allow time for it to thicken between each addition, but stay close to it, it burns quickly. If the mushrooms get caught in the whisk just tap it on the side of the pan, they'll pop back out.

Once all the milk is added and you have what looks like a paste begin adding the water. Add as much of the 1/4 cup as you want slowly till you get the consistency you like.

I leave the mushrooms in because I love love mushrooms, but if you wanted a smooth gravy just strain them out or use a slotted spoon.

*I think cornstarch or any other alternative flour would work here, I just only had rice.

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